Convert C# URI/URL to Absolute or Relative 2017-11-24 07:56 UTC .NET C# Formatting URI There are many situations when you handle URLs or URIs in applications today, no matter if it's a web-application or not. Often you need to handle absolute...
IIS URL Rewrite-Rules Skipping Files-types 2013-03-19 18:44 UTC ASP.NET IIS SEO URI If you need to put in a rule for the IIS URL Rewrite Module, but need the rule to skip some file-endings and/or targets that are directories or actual files on...
Guidelines for URI Design 2010-08-04 05:10 UTC SEO URI Jacob Gillespie has worked on a post concerning URL Guidelines, that underwent much revision and was posted as a guest post on CSS-Tricks named Guidelines for...
ASP.NET Request Paths Reference 2010-02-16 12:03 UTC .NET ASP.NET C# URI I decided to write down and document for myself the different paths provided by ASP.NET, to get a grip on the subject and a reference to turn to. The path I...