ViewSource - View Source in Mobile Browsers 2013-03-25 06:47 UTC AppHarbor GitHub Projects Here's another small app that I created to play around with some code, but mostly because I felt I had a need for it. ViewSource is an app for viewing the...
Squishify - Minify JavaScript & CSS Online 2012-08-30 18:08 UTC AppHarbor GitHub Projects Squishify was created out of the need of a minifier for JavaScript. I quickly put together a web-app on AppHarbor to make minification always available...
DevSum Scheduler - Plan Your Attendance 2012-05-14 21:39 UTC AppHarbor GitHub Projects Since I'm attending DevSum 2012 at the end of this month, I felt I needed to keep track of which talks to attend... but also the need to play around with some...
HtmlEncoder - Testing out MVC 4 on AppHarbor & GitHub 2012-03-23 10:36 UTC AppHarbor GitHub Projects HtmlEncoder is a web-application built on ASP.NET MVC 4, source-controlled on GitHub, deployed on AppHarbor. GitHub allows you to directly deploy to AppHarbor...