C# DateTime to RFC3339/ISO 8601 2017-11-28 08:02 UTC .NET C# Formatting According to Wikipedia the date and time-format RFC3339/ISO 8601 usages includes: On the Internet, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) uses ISO 8601 in...
Convert C# URI/URL to Absolute or Relative 2017-11-24 07:56 UTC .NET C# Formatting URI There are many situations when you handle URLs or URIs in applications today, no matter if it's a web-application or not. Often you need to handle absolute...
Display Local DateTime with Moment.js in ASP.NET 2016-03-08 07:21 UTC .NET C# Formatting JavaScript Displaying a DateTime in local format in C# is relatively easy, but it will only use the server's settings to tell what "local" is. For example, you might want...
Serialize HtmlString & MvcHtmlString in JSON.NET 2014-03-02 17:44 UTC .NET ASP.NET C# Formatting JSON Serialization The HtmlString-class (and MvcHtmlString) that is and has been used in the ASP.NET-platform, including WebPages, since the introduction of ASP.NET MVC is...