I'm a professional problem-solver, focused on technology and software
My expertise is within C#, ASP.NET, and Azure, with a passion for the web and JavaScript. Also, my experience has mainly been in the Microsoft-ecosystem, and I'm also active with Open source.

Sebastian is a full stack developer with a focus on the web, centered around Microsoft-technologies, such as C#, ASP.NET, and Azure. Starting his professional career in 2003, he identified a lot of inefficient processes and repetitive work, even within the tech industry, so he started learning .NET 1.1 in his spare time. Since 2007 he's been working professionally as a web developer with a passion for web standards, HTML5, JavaScript and open-source technologies. He's got a lot of ongoing personal projects, mostly created to learn new things.
Throughout his career, Sebastian has always promoted the importance of creating the optimal environment for developers, constantly improving the culture of knowledge-sharing, working processes, creativity, and the latest technologies. Giving back to the community has been part of this drive, for example by organizing and hosting Sweden's largest .NET-meetup to date, with 180 attendees listening to what was upcoming in .NET Core 1.0, around its launch.