DevSum Scheduler - Plan Your Attendance

Since I'm attending DevSum 2012 at the end of this month, I felt I needed to keep track of which talks to attend... but also the need to play around with some web-technologies.

DevSum 2012

From those needs I took some evening hours to build DevSum Scheduler. It's a web-app that allows you to highlight which talks you're going to attend.

The app uses HTML Agility Pack to get the data from DevSum's own website and then ASP.NET MVC Razor to display the content properly. To store this I've used HTML 5 LocalStorage to persist the choices made.

There are many other technologies used, which are listed on the about-page. Since the website is suppose to help the attendees by being available on their smart-phones, I've used CSS Media Queries for mobile layout and Modernizr for feature-detection in the web-browser.

Check out the full source-code on GitHub. Again, the outstanding AppHarbour has been used to quickly get the app on the Internet (through a GitHub-service hook of course).
