ASP.NET Request Paths Reference

I decided to write down and document for myself the different paths provided by ASP.NET, to get a grip on the subject and a reference to turn to.

The path I will be requesting is:

This will be an ASP.NET-application named MyApplication in the IIS.


Here is the result returned by the Request-property of the page, which is a HttpRequest.

/MyApplication - Gets the ASP.NET application's virtual application root path on the server.

/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx _- Gets the virtual path of the application root and makes it relative by using the tilde () notation for the application root (as in "~/page.aspx")._

/MyApplication/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx - Gets the virtual path of the current request.

/MyApplication/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx - Gets the virtual path of the current request.

/MyApplication/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx - Gets the virtual path of the current request.

- Gets additional path information for a resource with a URL extension.

C:\Visual Studio Projects\MyApplication\ - Gets the physical file system path of the currently executing server application's root directory.

C:\Visual Studio Projects\MyApplication\MyFolder\MyPage.aspx - Gets the physical file system path corresponding to the requested URL.

/MyApplication/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx?QueryStringKey=QueryStringValue - Gets the ASP.NET application's virtual application root path on the server.


Then there is the property [Request.Url]( that returns a [System.Uri]( , with all its properties. This is an interesting thing to explore as well.

/MyApplication/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx - Gets the absolute path of the URI.

[Request.Url.AbsoluteUri]( - Gets the absolute URI.

[Request.Url.DnsSafeHost]( - Gets an unescaped host name that is safe to use for DNS resolution.

[Request.Url.Host]( - Gets the host component of this instance.

/MyApplication/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx - Gets a local operating-system representation of a file name.

[Request.Url.OriginalString]( - Gets the original URI string that was passed to the Uri constructor.

/MyApplication/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx?QueryStringKey=QueryStringValue - Gets the AbsolutePath and Query properties separated by a question mark (?).

?QueryStringKey=QueryStringValue - Gets any query information included in the specified URI.

[Request.Url.ToString()]( - Gets a canonical string representation for the specified Uri instance.

Request also has the property [Request.UrlReferrer]( which is of the type System.Uri and has the same properties as Request.Url. It has the following description: Gets information about the URL of the client's previous request that linked to the current URL.
