There have been a few projects, although not many, which I've been involved in, where generating GUIDs/UUIDs has been important. For that, I used to use online-tools like, but when I switched machine, the autocomplete in my browser lost that link.
Minimally for this reason, and mostly for fun, I decided to write a .NET Core Global Tool which quickly generates one or multiple GUIDs/UUIDs, in whatever format could be needed.
Download the .NET Core SDK 2.1 or later. The install the dotnet-guid
.NET Global Tool, using the command-line:
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-guid
Usage: guid [arguments] [options]
Count Defines how may GUIDs/UUIDs to generate. Defaults to 1.
-?|-h|--help Show help information
-n Formatted as 32 digits:
-d Formatted as 32 digits separated by hyphens:
-b Formatted as 32 digits separated by hyphens, enclosed in braces:
-p Formatted as 32 digits separated by hyphens, enclosed in parentheses:
-x Formatted as four hexadecimal values enclosed in braces,
where the fourth value is a subset of eight hexadecimal values that is also enclosed in braces:
-e Defines if the GUIDs/UUIDs should be empty, using zero-values only.
-u Defines if the GUIDs/UUIDs generated should be upper-cased letters.
To get a single GUID/UUID, simply type:
To get 3 random GUIDs/UUIDs, with letters in upper-case, formatted with brackets:
guid 3 -b -u
You can find the source-code on GitHub, the package on Nuget and the latest builds on MyGet.
You can find a great list of more .NET Core Global Tools on GitHub, maintained by Nate McMaster.