Language Localization with Google Maps API 2011-04-27 16:17 UTC Google Maps Localization When you include a Google Maps to your website via the Google Maps JavaScript API uses the browser's set preferred language to display the texts. Sometimes...
Javascript: Timeout on a Textbox using jQuery 2011-04-18 17:28 UTC JavaScript jQuery Here is a quick post about how to use a JavaScript-timer to only execute a textbox's functionality after a certain amount of time. Worth noticing in the code...
Visual Studio 2010: Dropped Assembly References Workaround 2010-09-08 10:29 UTC Visual Studio After adding some references to external assemblies like to NLog or Munq I found out that on some projects Visual Studio 2010 had a tendency to drop the...
Conditional Scrolling Banner with YUI 2010-09-01 13:15 UTC CSS JavaScript YUI I was in need of a banner that would scroll along on the page, even when the user had scrolled passed it. After Googling with Bing for any pre-done JavaScript...
Guidelines for URI Design 2010-08-04 05:10 UTC SEO URI Jacob Gillespie has worked on a post concerning URL Guidelines, that underwent much revision and was posted as a guest post on CSS-Tricks named Guidelines for...