Squishify - Minify JavaScript & CSS Online

Squishify was created out of the need of a minifier for JavaScript. I quickly put together a web-app on AppHarbor to make minification always available quickly. The code is hosted on GitHub.

Squishify Screenshot

The application is an ASP.NET MVC-app, using Justin Etheredge's framework for minification called SquishIt. The app also uses ASP.NET Web API together with some simple jQuery to display the results of the minifications without any page-reloads.

The SquishIt-framework is a very easy to use and provides multiple minifiers for both JavaScript and CSS.

JavaScript minifiers:

* At the moment of writing this post, Google Closure is not working as expected.

CSS minifiers:

Enjoy it at squishify.apphb.com and fork it on GitHub.
