API-Versioning in ASP.NET 2018-08-10 13:02 UTC .NET .NET Core ASP.NET ASP.NET Core C# Projects Routing The ASP.NET Route Versions-library was created after I was inspired by a discussion with a colleague and reading the great article Your API versioning is wrong...
Azure Deployment of Mono-Repos in GitHub 2018-02-22 15:16 UTC Azure Continuous Deployment GitHub Kudu Microservices With the increasing adoption of Microservices, one of the questions sometimes discussed is mono-repo vs. multi-repo, which tries to answer if you structure...
Convert C# Anonymous (or Any) Types Into Dynamic ExpandoObject 2017-12-06 08:14 UTC .NET C# Dynamic There are scenarios when you need to convert an anonymous type in C#, or any other type, into a dynamic, or more specifically to the underlying...
KeyLocks: Lock .NET/C#-code on Specific Values 2017-11-30 16:07 UTC .NET C# Locking Projects If you've ever needed to ensure that multiple threads are not running the same code, you've probably used a lock-statement in your .NET/C#-code. Sometimes a...
C# DateTime to RFC3339/ISO 8601 2017-11-28 08:02 UTC .NET C# Formatting According to Wikipedia the date and time-format RFC3339/ISO 8601 usages includes: On the Internet, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) uses ISO 8601 in...